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What is ? Traditional Chinese Medicine () is based on thousands of years of experience, which today also appeals to people in the Western world. understands the body as a system in which all its parts and organs are connected by energy channels, called meridians, and regulate each other. When all the energies in the body are in harmony and balance, the person is healthy. When this energy flow is disturbed, blocked or weakened, sooner or later these disturbances show up as complaints or diseases. In this case, the flow of energy can be disturbed, which can be caused by either strengthened or reduced.
The most important foundations of Chinese medicine are the doctrine of Yin and Yang (the two polar opposites) and the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth), the doctrine of Qi, the life force (energy) ), which is not easy to explain.
With a detailed diagnosis and the therapy methods explained here, the -doctor can help patients who have already had a long and unsuccessful odyssey, often through conventional medical practices and hospitals.
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TCM Davos GmbH
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Hongmei Cai Wu
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TCM Davos GmbH