Acupuncturists in Oberdorf BL - Compare 2 acupuncture practices
BaselBurgunderstrasse 29, 4051 Baseldie-naturä has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 Reviews079 263 04 66 0792... Show mobile number 079 263 04 66 079 263 04 66 *From CHF 144.- per hourAcupunctureMoxibustionCuppingTuina massage -
OberdorfHauptstrasse 72, 4436 Oberdorf0 Reviews079 263 04 66 0792... Show mobile number 079 263 04 66 079 263 04 66
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NUWA TCM Praxis INS für Akupunktur Kräutertherapie Tuina Massage Schröpfen
InsDorfplatz 8, 3232 Ins0 Reviews032 313 78 88 0323... Show number 032 313 78 88 032 313 78 88 *From CHF 120.- per hourAcupunctureTCMMoxibustionCuppingAcupressureEar acupunctureGua ShaTuina massageElectroacupuncture -
Vitalitaet-TCM Akupunktur Praxis Huihe-TCM & Huoli-TCM
MurtenFreiburgstrasse 69, 3280 MurtenVitalitaet-TCM Akupunktur Praxis Huihe-TCM & Huoli-TCM has been rated 4.5 out of 5 stars4.52 Reviews026 670 02 59 0266... Show number 026 670 02 59 026 670 02 59 *From CHF 130.- per hourAcupunctureTCMMoxibustionCuppingEar acupunctureTuina massageElectroacupuncture -
Guthknecht Mirabel
MurtenMühleweg 57, 3280 MurtenGuthknecht Mirabel has been rated 5 out of 5 stars52 Reviews026 670 62 26 0266... Show number 026 670 62 26 026 670 62 26 *AcupunctureTCMMoxibustionCuppingAcupressureEar acupunctureGua ShaTuina massage -
TCM Zhang Zhoug Sàrl
MurtenPra Pury 7D, 3280 Murten0 Reviews026 670 39 68 0266... Show number 026 670 39 68 026 670 39 68 *Acupuncture -
Chi Oasis
MurtenPra Pury 7D, 3280 MurtenChi Oasis has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 Reviews026 670 39 68 0266... Show number 026 670 39 68 026 670 39 68 *